Departmental doctoral and post-doctoral symposium

After a very successful two-day departmental symposium, here are a couple of snapshots to remember it by.


We are proud to announce that around 80 participants representing most groups in the department took part. We were joined by external groups from two additional university departments (chemistry and electrotechnical engineering) and three additional research institutes (GSI, PEI and TH Aschaffenburg).  We had 23 talks and 12 posters presented by our doctoral students and post-doctoral scientists and respective prize winners in both categories. The program was highlighted with talks from three international speakers (Dr. Tretyakova, U. Minnesota; Dr. Toechtter, Princeton U.; and Dr. Parker, Caltech). In addition, we held a series of morning open discussions on research data and infrastructure management as well as grant writing. Finally, we had the first post-corona live BiophoniX band concert to end the symposium.

Let us keep the spirit of this symposium alive and meet again soon!