Postdoctoral research programme

With this program the department of Biology wants to support all scientists with a doctoral degree (i.e., postdoctoral scientists) doing research within our department to promote their career goals and enhance interactions. A central point is to create improved conditions for their qualification for a research and academic career in science. This concept is, though, not meant to copy/mimic/replace existing intramural or extramural young investigator career opportunities such as the TUDa Athena young investigator award and equivalent extramural applications.

Upon becoming a post-doc at our department, the post-doc officer offers an information meeting (at the beginning of every semester or upon request at other times) where the different career qualification opportunities within the university and our department are explained. It includes:


  • help with grant application writing
  • support in job application writing and interview preparation
  • access to the instrumental infrastructure of the department

In addition, the post-doctoral scientist is encouraged to select a mentor other than the hosting lab PI. The mentor can be internal (professors of the department) or external and should provide advice on all matters related to career development.

To foster interactions between scientists and exchange of know-how, tools and materials, post-doctoral scientists should elect 1-2 representatives for a maximum period of two years, which will mediate with the deanery and organize, with financial support from the department:

  • methodological workshops
  • invited guest seminars
  • post-doc annual symposium


  • participation and/or conception of undergraduate teaching courses
  • independent supervision of undergraduate bachelor theses
  • support with grant information (grant info timeline and regulations; contact person in Dezernat VI)
Picture: Anne Einhäupl

"Zertifikat Hochschullehre"

The Center for Educational Development and Technology at TU Darmstadt provides a structured programme in order to enable academic staff to improve their abilities for teaching. The “Certificate of Higher Education” offers a broad variety of workshops and best-practice examples on teaching, supervision and assessment.

Get the details

Postdoctoral scientists wanting to obtain independent positions within the department, sign an agreement with the deanery detailing plans to:

  • apply for independent grant funding within 3-4 years
  • publication strategy
  • if applicable, teaching qualification strategy

The achievements are discussed and evaluated yearly by the dean with the mentor and post-doc officer. For the final decision to provide or not support the post-doctoral researcher, a committee of three Professors of the department requests two or more outside evaluations and prepares a recommendation that will be decided at the FBR. Upon positive decision, the department agrees to provide yearly financial support of 10,000 Euro p.a. for a maximum of three years. This amount will be subjected to changes depending on the department’s financial constellation.

Candidates for a Habilitation degree should fulfill these requirements including teaching qualification.

Post doctoral scientists officer

  • contact starting postdocs (information from deanery) for an information meeting every semester
  • keep an updated information package at the departmental post-doctoral researchers web page of intramural and extramural grant application opportunities and intramural educational offers (including, preparation of application, grants, interviews, group management and other transferable skills)
  • yearly evaluation of post-doctoral agreements with department
  • help with mediating and resolving conflicts

Faculty of the department agrees:

  • to be available for mentoring
  • providing support on grant and job application reviewing


provides advice on all matters related to career development

Post-doc representatives

  • mediating with deanery and post-doc officer
  • organizing post-doc annual symposium
  • organizing guest seminars and workshop
The following summary provides an overview of the different funding oppurtunities. To get detailed information get in touch with the Post doctoral scientists officer.
The following summary provides an overview of the different funding oppurtunities. To get detailed information get in touch with the Post doctoral scientists officer.